Friday, April 25, 2014

Fort Myers photographer | Pets!

     Pets are amazing!  They love unconditionally and without question.  We let them into our families and into our hearts and then we are no longer complete without them!  That being said, I have never ventured into the niche of pet photography beyond my own two pets...Oreo and Rolo....
Photo by J&B PhotoReflect
Even with my own pets, I had to enlist the help of my kids to get pets dressed, posed and paying attention.  The kids did a great job and even took the photo below.  They were so excited that I was using it on my new blog!  :)
Photo by J&B PhotoReflect

A few weeks ago I was asked for the first time if I would be willing to try to do family photos with a dog.  I am usually always willing to try new and exciting things and I think the pictures turned out very cute and so did the client.  Here is what I got....
Photo by J&B PhotoReflect
Photo by J&B PhotoReflect

Photo by J&B PhotoReflect

I figured I had done it and done ok and that was that, but then someone else booked a session for family photos with their dog!  Pets are just like kids I photo...wiggly, excitable, and willing to behave for treats!   I am excited to try again and hope this client is just as in love with her photos of her family!  I'll post next week and let you be the judge...:)

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