Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Coleen and Family | Fort Myers Beach Photography

     There are few things I love more than the beach...however, friends AT the beach is one of them!  :)  This particular case was very exciting as a very good friend was visiting whom I had not seen for several years! 
     When I am at the beach I like to collect treasures.  I have two particular kinds of shells that I look for and have my kids trained to look for...real friends are indeed a treasure to find and I am lucky to have found a real friend in Coleen.  As we got ready for this shoot, her parting words were "let's see how you do with teenagers".  I must admit this had me a little worried, I have just recently entered into the world of teenagers with my own kids and at just isn't pretty!  Coleen's teenagers were absolutely delightful.  Not only were they courteous, they were funny and cute.   I loved how these photos turned out because I love how you can see how much they truly care for each other!   I was honored to be their vacation photographer!  Thanks Coleen! I hope you enjoy the pictures and the memories that will last a lifetime!





  1. Jen you did an amazing job! I love them! You captured our memories and spirits perfectly! I will treasure them forever as I do our friendship! Hugs, Coleen
