Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Mata Family | Fort Myers Family Photographer

The beach is not for everyone. This beautiful Mama says it really isn't for her....I beg to least according to her photo shoot!  She looks beautiful, fashionable and completely at home!  It was an early morning and my first sun rise session.  The light was AMAZING!  If only I was a morning person!!!  Anyway...on with the pictures. To start out this shoot here is the cd cover.
This was the sun rise light!  So different than susets, light, pink, so dreamy!  Maybe because I was thinking I was still in bed dreaming!  LOL

This girl!  WOW!  She is also not a morning person, but we both worked around it!  :)  How cute is she?  Attitude in every shot!

This is her handsome older brother.  He was ready with a perfect smile at every click!  I think he is a morning person!

I cannot get over this amazing light!  And the beauty of this family radiates!

Definatly one of my favorites from this early mmorning session!  I love the sunlight framing her face!  MMMM!

One of my other favorites!  I love the look of love, the sun flare and the color play!

Is it any wonder her children are so good looking!  I mean serious beauty on this Mama!

I leave you with one more family shot.  What a great day and a wonderful firt time sunrise session...maybe I'll do some more.....maybe:)

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